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2 million tourists visited Kurdistan in 2013

2 million tourists visited Kurdistan in 2013
The tourism department of Kurdistan region stated that over two million tourists visited the Region during the year 2013.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) web site quoted on Sunday, Dec. 22, a spokesman for the Region’s Tourism Department, Nadir Rousti, saying that statistics on the Region’s tourism in the last eight months of the current year show that more than two million tourists visited the Region’s tourism sites.

He pointed out that a large number of tourists are Iraqis, followed by Iranians, Turkey and the rest of the world.
Rousti went on saying that the number of tourists who visited the Region is 2.217 million tourists. The Region’s Tourism Department urged concerned sides to facilitate the tourists’ stay, as well as business men to improve the Region’s tourism industry.

Updated 28 Dec 2013 | Soruce: NINA | By S.Seal
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