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UN endorses project to end country’s water woos

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Iraq has officially endorsed a project that has been aimed to end water problem of the country.
Lise Grande, the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, said, “The United Nations is here today to endorse a very special project for the Dukan Lake.”
Grande added that they have signed an agreement and the UNDP is going to “start with the repair of the pumping station for Dukan Lake. And because we are going to be doing that, water is going to be able to start flowing from the Lake into the pumping stations as quickly as possible.”
He also informed that the concept came from a meeting between the Sulaimani governor and the UNDP where the governor requested help resolving water problems across the province. Sulaimani province has faced water shortages several times in the past.
She also stated, “The governor reached out to the United Nations in July and said that he needed help with a number of infrastructure projects. United Nations Development Program discussed those problems and we’ve stepped forward as the first project with Dukan River.”
Sulaimani Water administrator Sarbast Osman said that “the UNDP organization is funding the project. The UN has always endorsed water projects in Sulaimani.” Osman added that the Kurdistan Region is also providing funding to address the province’s water problems and has so far allotted the sum of four billion dinar.
Osman remarked, “Qubad Talabani, deputy prime minister endorsed this sum and he sent it to us which could solve part of the water problems in the province.”
The UN coordinator, in her speech, also thanked the people of Sulaimani for their response to the crises facing the region in hosting refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have fled war-torn areas and sought sanctuary in the Kurdistan Region.
“We have also come to Sulaimani, because on behalf of the international community, we wanted to thank the governor, we wanted to thank the government, we wanted to thank the people of Sulaimani for the generosity and the kindness that they have shown so many displaced families, welcoming them into their homes, helping them for the last year. We wanted to come and say on behalf of the international community, thank you.”
Updated 12 Aug 2016 | Soruce: RUDAW | By S.Seal
Child Aid International