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احصل على صفحة ألكترونية متميزة وثنائية اللغة (عربي وأنجليزي) لشركتك ومنتجاتك من خلال التسجيل في دليل العراق وادراج مؤسستك فيه
عبر الشرق للمقاولات العامه
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بغداد ,البصره
تقييم. عدد مرات المشاهدة. 15845|المشاهدة خلال الاسبوع. 9
شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة
+964 79 01470301
غير متوفر
غير متوفر
+964 78 13035360
أسم المدير
ghaseb Al Azzawi
العائد السنوي
Over USD 25 Million
عدد الموظفين
Over 500
تأسست بتاريخ
الموقع الإلكتروني
بغدلد - الحارثيه البصره - مناوي باشا
رقم تسجيل غرفة تجارة
اسم غرفة التجارة
Sejal Sabih Mubarak
تاريخ التسجيل
نبذة عن الشركة
Pan East Contracting Company is a privately owned Iraqi company that was founded in Qatar in 1980. We are a registered and fully licensed company, having our offices located in Baghdad, Basra, and our main regional office is in Amman -Jordan. Pan East is the first Iraqi company to be awarded an E.P.I.C contract by a major foreign oil company to work as a main contractor in Zubair Iraq. Although Zubair is our main focus area, we also have projects throughout Iraq. Our industry safety standards are excellent, accepted and are well proven; we are in receipt of numerous Safety awards ranging from 2,000,000 million plus man-hours without any LTI. Currently our yearly turnover is in access of $240 million, we employ 2000 plus employees both direct and indirect. Pan East Company owns and operates a large fleet of equipment; we have purchased state of the art sensitive and extremely technical equipment. Our major owned machinery is in excess of 336 items; as well as 5 concrete batching plants in the southern area of Iraq. The daily batching plant production capacity can exceed 11,000 cum. Pan East General Contracting Company performs in house all our own design engineering and procurement. Our Procurement Department operates to maximum efficiency using all of the ENI standards and requirements. We have highly qualified procurement staffs that are fully assisted by various engineering discipline for technical evaluation purposes. Also, our in house QA/QC department coordinates and monitors closely all related quality activities. We are currently working through ISO 9001:2008 QMS with Lloyds UK.
تاريخ الادراج: 04 Aug 2013|تاريخ التحديث: 04 Aug 2013
Child Aid International