The Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers has declared that the investment in the country is continually escalating where the Investment National Commission has (134) investment projects but only few of them are implemented.
In a statement, the Secretariat General of the Cabinet reported, ''The Cabinet's Secretary General, Ali Muhsin al-Allaq, chaired a meeting on Sunday to discuss the investment file," noting that "Allaq assured that the Investment Law no. (13) is among the best investment laws since the investment opportunities are almost unique in Iraq.''
The Assistant Secretary General of the Cabinet for Administrative and Financial Affairs stated that the there are some points of weaknesses, which lay in following up the projects since the investment and the regions developments are providing job opportunities and eliminating unemployment.
The statement concluded that the attendees of the meeting revealed several notes regarding the investment sector in Iraq to be discussed with concerned authorities.
Updated 12 Sep 2013 | Soruce: AIN | By S.Seal