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Agreement with UofA has been signed by University of Karbala

A formal agreement was made Oct. 21 between the UofA and the University of Karbala in Iraq that would further each institution’s academic objectives by exchanging research, educational materials and developing study programs for students in Iraq and the U.S.

Under the agreement, the universities will develop programs for the University of Karbala to send students to the UofA and vice-versa. Sometimes students must travel to an area to grow in their education and develop skills that wouldn’t happen if they stayed in their home country, said Gloria Passmore, a UA director of sponsored student programs.
The agreement also allows faculty from both institutions to travel and be in residence at the other institution for the purpose of lecturing, researching and developing skills.
Passmore said, “We’ll have a student or faculty member go there for a 4 to 5 week window, maybe a semester or up to a year.”
This fall, 31 students from Iraq are enrolled at the UofA, including 30 on the graduate level who are sponsored by awarded Iraqi government scholarships. There are 17 students excluded who will attend the UofA once they finish their English language training courses.

Moneer Habeeb Tolehpih, chancellor at the University of Karbala, signed the agreement during a visit to the UofA and was accompanied by Zuhair Mangoushi, vice chancellor for scientific affairs, Ayyed Almohammed, dean of the veterinary school and professor Tahani Alsandook, cultural attaché for the Iraqi Cultural Office in Washington, D.C.
Douglas Rhoads, director of the UofA graduate program in cell and molecular biology, and Adnan Al-Rubaye, associate director of the cell and molecular biology program reached out to increase opportunities for sponsored students from Iraq at the UofA.

Overall, “obtaining an education in the U.S. would be beneficial to students coming from Iraq,” Passmore said.
Updated 19 Nov 2014 | Soruce: Uatrav | By S.Seal
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