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Iraqi Economy and the Strategic Options

Iraqi Economy and the Strategic Options
Under the auspices of the Minister of Human Rights and in collaboration with “Bayt Alhikma”, the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform invite you to attend a seminar to discuss details performance of Iraqi Economy over the last ten years, the challenges and choices facing the development of Iraq economy. The need for the government to adopt strategies of the Rule of Law and good Governance to ensue better management of the economy and to safe guard the country resource specially oil and gas revenues. A detailed report includes scientific research papers and recommendations will be sent to the Prime Minister’s office, Parliament. Invitation have been sent to members of the Parliaments and government officials, Civil Society Organizations, as well as academics and experts on Iraq Economy.

The seminar will be held on Saturday 6 July 2013
, at 9:30 am

The Venue: The National Centre for Human Rights, adjacent to Ministry of Transport.

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To contact us please email: [email protected]
Updated 17 Jun 2013 | Soruce: IIER |
Child Aid International