In the city of Baghdad, Iraq, the first International Investment Conference has commenced. The conference is sponsored by the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee and in 05/02/2015
|  | Leading global construction firms will be in Iraq for a major summit that will put focus on the ongoing $50 billion aviation infrastructure projects in the country. The companies will discuss the progress of Iraq’s airport projects, expansion and construction of new terminals, said a statement from Babylon International, the organizers of the fourth annual Iraq Airports Conference and Exhibition. 14/11/2014 |
The second Thi Qar fair was opened here today with the participation of about 40 local and international companies. 26/09/2014
|  | The General Company of Exhibitions & Business Services announced the date of the commencement of the 41 session of the Baghdad International Fair for this year. 22/07/2014 |
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB), a top-tier Islamic financial services institution, was a sponsor of Trade UAE - Iraq, a forum held on 9 and 10 June to promote business between Iraq and the UAE, and to highlight opportunities for UAE companies for trade and investment in Iraq. 12/06/2014
Held in Kurdistan region of Iraq, in the city of Erbil, IranExpo Exhibition is showcasing the country's print industry products, modern technologies and knowledge-based services. 12/06/2014
Several Jordanian hospitals, medical laboratories and representatives of medical equipment are participating this week in Medicare Iraq Erbil 2014, the 5th International Exhibition for the Medical & Healthcare Industry. 27/05/2014
On Sunday, February 9th, the Iraqi ministry of commerce has announced the opening an exhibition on electric power techniques on the land of the Baghdad International Fair with the participation of 40 companies from 9 states. 10/02/2014
|  | Standard Chartered has announced its sponsorship of the second international exhibition and conference on banking and finance in Iraq. 26/01/2014 |
The first meeting of the Special Emergency Conference of oil producer governorates has launched in Basra on Saturday 25, Jan in the presence of representatives of 7 governorates and the parliamentary Commission on oil and energy. 26/01/2014
The second natural resource conference has been reportedly to be organized by Erbil. 26/12/2013
The International Conference for the Oil and Gas has started in Erbil of Kurdistan Region in the participation of some local and international companies. 03/12/2013
In Baghdad, on Monday, November 25th, the Iraq-French Business and Investment Forum was inaugurated. The program will continue until the Tuesday. 27/11/2013
To attract international buyers, Pakistani firms have enthusiastically joined Iraqi exhibition. It was a wise decision taken by the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) to put up a Pakistani pavilion in the project Iraq exhibition which concluded in Erbil on Oct 31st (Thursday). 03/11/2013
In the Iraq project 2013, significantly Kuwait has taken part. It is the 6th International Trade Exhibition for Construction and Environmental Technology, Materials and Equipment, that was held at Erbil International Fair Ground on October 28-31. 03/11/2013
In the 14th commercial fair of countries within Islamic cooperation organization, which is proposed to be held at the capital of Iran, Tehran, within 28/10-1/11/2013, Iraq has enlisted its name as the participant. 02/11/2013
Kuwait, represented, by the Public Authority for Industry, is ready to participate in the Sixth International Exhibition for Construction and Environmental Technology, Materials and Equipment for Iraq "Project Iraq 2013". 27/10/2013
At an energy conference, which will be held in Iraq from the month of November 26th, major players in the oil and gas, infrastructure, finance and power industries will meet to discuss key issues. The fourth edition of the Iraq Future Energy Conference will be held at The Iraq Energy City in Basra and will run till November 28. 18/10/2013
|  | Khairallah Babker, the minister of trade of Iraq, has assured that Baghdad International Fair is an economic and civilized phenomenon where Iraq is undergoing in reconstruction period on all levels that required many economic and non-economic requirements. 13/10/2013 |
First Egyptian fair in Iraqi Kurdistan region was opened yesterday. Kurdish Industry and Trade Minister Sinan al-Chalabi and Egyptian Trade and Industry Minister Muneer Fakhri Abdulnour had attended the ceremony. 09/10/2013
The 4th Iraq Mega Projects Conference taking place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, will facilitate investment in Iraq's hugely promising oilfield sector. 29/09/2013
Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry or OCCI has declared its willingness to participate with a trade delegation in Arbil Trade Exhibition due to be held in the city of Arbil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq from September 23rd until 26th. 23/09/2013
|  | Boeing is to be the presidential sponsor of the Iraq Airports Show – 2013 to be held in September at the Nineveh Terminal – Baghdad International Airport, which will unleash the ongoing and future development opportunities in aviation infrastructure in the country and will receive head of various governing bodies of Iraq. 01/08/2013 |
|  | Held in Stockholm, a UN conference in Iraq, which ended on 28th May with a decision to encourage the debt forgiveness, though without proper commitments from the fledgling country’s biggest creditors! 04/07/2013 |
The CWC Group's Iraq Telecoms Conference will discuss the investment opportunities in the Iraqi telecommunications industry. The strategic Conference, now in its eighth year, will take place over three days on the 7 - 9 October in Turkey, Istanbul and will gather government officials with key decision makers to provide insights into potential lucrative business opportunities in the industry. 01/07/2013
|  | Under the auspices of the Minister of Human Rights and in collaboration with “Bayt Alhikma”, the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform invite you to attend a seminar to discuss details performance of Iraqi Economy over the last ten years, the challenges and choices facing the development of Iraq economy. The need for the government to adopt strategies of the Rule of Law and good Governance to ensue better management of the economy and to safe guard the country resource specially oil and gas revenues. A detail 17/06/2013 |
On this Tuesday, Al Diwaniyah province launched its first international commerce fair. However, a few questions have been raised regarding this event as participants have complained for limited seats availability in the event and for that reason; many companies have not been able to join the event. The province’s Chamber of Commerce has identified local and central government as responsible for such acts. 08/06/2013
The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex), will include 10 companies for participating in 9th Erbil International Fair, in Iraq, which is announced to be taken place from September 23rd to 26th, in the Kurdistan. 07/06/2013
|  | Dr. Rose Nuri Shauees, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister & Chairman of the Economic Committee, is presiding a large delegation which includes a number of ministers, chairman of the Investment Commission, presidents of high-profile professional associations and a large group of businessmen and companies which will participate in the Second Economic Forum Iraqi-Italian 2013 which will be held under his patronage between 3 -6 / 7/2013 in the Italian capital city, Rome. 06/06/2013 |
The Iraqi Infrastructure and Construction Summit is has taken place on the 22nd and 23rd May of this year at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai. 24/05/2013
On next Tuesday, the third national energy conference is anticipated to be held under the patronage of Premier Nouri al-Maliki. Around 50 foreign and national companies are expected to join this event. 24/04/2013
Preparation for the 5th International Academic conference on the academic twinning of the (Administrative, Financial and Economic Updates of the Community) has been completed by the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Karbala. 05/04/2013
A seminar has been held by the College of Science at the University of Kirkuk. The motion of the seminar was the applications of Raman spectroscopy technology. Students and faculties participated in this seminar to en-rich their knowledge. 27/03/2013
|  | With the participation of the students and faculty staffs, the College of Physical Education at the University of Technology has recently arranged an art exhibition of Photographs. 27/03/2013 |
To participate in the festival of Baghdad the Capital of Arab Culture, which is about to start on this Saturday, many Arab and foreign delegations arrived in Baghdad. 23/03/2013
|  | Baghdad - The First Yearly Conference of Businessmen commenced on this Sunday, in Iraq at the office of Ammar al-Hakim. 11/03/2013 |
An activist safety for-all and the only operative force of the ICDL certification program throughout the GCC and Iraq, ICDL GCC Foundation has recently declared its joint venture with CWI Summits for the inaugural Iraq Education & Technology Summit 2013 (IETS). The ceremony will occur in Dubai, from 23rd to 24th Feb, 2013. 24/02/2013